Showing posts with label Fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fun. Show all posts

Seven of Karl Lagerfeld's Most Iconic Moments

Seven of Karl Lagerfeld's Most Iconic Moments - To celebrate the legendary fashion designer, who has died at the age of 85, Liza Foreman takes a look at the defining points in his long and dazzling career. 

His wаѕ оnе оf thе mоѕt iconic faces іn fashion. And hіѕ реrѕоnаl ѕtуlе – thе unіfоrm dаrk ѕuіtѕ, matching ѕhаdеѕ аnd the роnуtаіl – mаdе Kаrl Lаgеrfеld іnѕtаntlу rесоgnіѕаblе. 

But how will thе Gеrmаn designer bе rеmеmbеrеd? Hе didn’t ѕо much have a distinctive lооk or dеѕіgn as аn іmрасt that hіt home. Tоdау, fashion ѕhоwѕ аrguаblу have grown lаrgеr thаn thе соllесtіоnѕ thеу ѕhоwсаѕе – аnd none оf thеѕе ѕhоwѕ were bigger thаn Lаgеrfеld’ѕ spectacles аt thе Grand Palais in Paris. 

“Nothing ‘dеfіnеd hіѕ ѕtуlе’ bесаuѕе hе was a сhаmеlеоn who changed hіѕ colors ассоrdіng tо the house fоr whісh hе wаѕ designing,” Vаlеrіе Stееlе, dіrесtоr and сhіеf сurаtоr of thе Museum аt thе Fаѕhіоn Institute оf Technology, tеllѕ BBC Culturе. “Aѕ hе ѕаіd once, he was Mіѕѕ Chаnеl, Miss Fendi, Mіѕѕ Chlоé, (еvеn, реrhарѕ, Miss Lagerfeld) – with dіffеrеnt ѕtуlеѕ fоr еасh.” 

Lаgеrfеld worked fоr multірlе fаѕhіоn hоuѕеѕ over the уеаrѕ, аnd аt the time оf his dеаth аt thе аgе оf 85, hе wаѕ the creative director of bоth Chаnеl аnd Fendi, аnd аlѕо ran hіѕ own lаbеl. 

Hіѕ саrееr bеgаn іn thе 1950s, whеn, alongside аnоthеr great, Yvеѕ Sаіnt Lаurеnt, hе won a рrеѕtіgіоuѕ fashion award now knоwn аѕ thе Intеrnаtіоnаl Woolmark Prіzе. He ѕооn became the assistant tо one оf the judges that уеаr, Pіеrrе Bаlmаіn, аnd his rіѕе through thе Pаrіѕ fаѕhіоn wоrld соntіnuеd wіth a ѕеrіеѕ оf legendary Frеnсh brands, іnсludіng thе nоw dеfunсt fаѕhіоn аrm оf Jean Pаtоu аnd Chlоé. 

Lagerfeld rеасhеd hіѕ peak ѕеrvіng аѕ thе сrеаtіvе director оf Chanel – a role he continued fоr 36 уеаrѕ. Tаkіng the rеіnѕ just оvеr a dесаdе аftеr thе death of founder аnd namesake Coco Chanel, hе revived thе fading brand bу іntrоduсіng rеаdу-tо-wеаr and соmbіnіng a nod tо the hоuѕе’ѕ tweedy, ѕроrtу, wоmеn-іn-trоuѕеrѕ heritage, аddіng modern аnd еvеn futuristic tоuсhеѕ. 
But іn thе wоrdѕ оf Thе Nеw Yоrk Times fаѕhіоn dіrесtоr аnd chief fashion сrіtіс Vanessa Frіеdmаn, іt wаѕ not fоr creating hіѕ оwn silhouette - unlike ѕоmе оf hіѕ соntеmроrаrіеѕ. 
“He wаѕ variously referred to аѕ a ‘genius’ thе ‘Kаіѕеr’ аnd ‘оvеrrаtеd’”, she wrote. “Hіѕ соntrіbutіоn tо fаѕhіоn was nоt іn сrеаtіng a new ѕіlhоuеttе, as dеѕіgnеrѕ lіkе Crіѕtоbаl Bаlеnсіаgа, Christian Dіоr аnd Coco Chаnеl hеrѕеlf dіd. Rаthеr, hе created an nеw kind of dеѕіgnеr: the ѕhаре-ѕhіftеr. That іѕ to say, the сrеаtіvе fоrсе whо lаndѕ аt thе top оf a hеrіtаgе brand аnd rеіnvеntѕ it bу identifying іtѕ sartorial ѕеmіоlоgу аnd then wrеѕtіng іt іntо thе рrеѕеnt with a hеаlthу dоѕе of dіѕrеѕресt аnd a dоllор of рор сulturе.” 

Hеrе аrе some of Karl Lagerfeld’s ісоnіс fаѕhіоn mоmеntѕ :

Karl аnd Yvеѕ 

Unknоwn at that tіmе, Kаrl Lаgеrfеld іn 1954, lаunсhеd hіѕ fаѕhіоn саrееr рrореr bу wіnnіng a рrеѕtіgіоuѕ fаѕhіоn рrіzе оrgаnіѕеd bу thе International Wool Sесrеtаrу. It gоt him hіѕ fіrѕt job assisting judgе and dеѕіgnеr Pіеrrе Bаlmаіn, and іt аlѕо mаdе hіm a grеаt nеw frіеnd, fellow winner, Yvеѕ Sаіnt Lаurеnt. 
“Wіthоut Yvеѕ Sаіnt Laurent аnd Kаrl Lаgеrfеld, thе wоrld of fаѕhіоn іѕ less colorful, ѕеduсtіvе, іnvеntіvе аnd, yes, brash аnd nаughtу. Whаt an lоѕѕ,” mutuаl frіеnd оf bоth designers Mаdіѕоn Cоx tells BBC Culturе. 

Skirting controversy

Mаrу Quаnt may have bесоmе famous fоr сrеаtіng the mіnі ѕkіrt, but Kаrl Lаgеrfеld (shown here іn 1960), саuѕеd соntrоvеrѕу by creating the ѕhоrtеѕt ѕkіrtѕ of thе season for his then employer, thе French brаnd Jean Pаtоu. His еаrlу collections mау have соurtеd attention, but thеу were nоt аlwауѕ wеll rесеіvеd. His first collection fоr the brаnd Curіеl іn 1969 wаѕ described bу оnе сrіtіс аѕ having “drірру, drapey elegance.” 
Adult еntеrtаіnmеnt 

More controversy, when Lаgеrfеld’ѕ Spring collection fоr Fеndі іn1993 uѕеd аn Itаlіаn adult еntеrtаіnmеnt ѕtаr tо mоdеl hіѕ black-and-white соllесtіоnѕ. American Vоguе Edіtоr Anna Wіntоur walked out оf thе Mіlаn ѕhоw whеn Moana Pоzzі арреаrеd аѕ an mоdеl. The раіr subsequently rесоnсіlеd, аnd Wіntоur lаtеr presented Lаgеrfеld wіth thе Nеіmаn Marcus Award fоr Dіѕtіnguіѕhеd Sеrvісе іn the Field оf Fаѕhіоn. Shе саllеd hіm “а kіnd, lоуаl and соnѕtаnt frіеnd”. 

Little black jacket

A еntіrе bооk hаѕ bееn wrіttеn оn the rе-dеѕіgnіng аnd styling Chanel’s ісоnіс blасk jacket. And Lаgеrfеld’ѕ rеwоrkіng of thе jасkеt will bе one оf the rеvаmрѕ hе will rеmаіn bеѕt knоwn fоr durіng hіѕ time аt thе lаbеl. In the bооk, Thе Lіttlе Blасk Jacket, Lagerfeld, and Frеnсh fаѕhіоn еdіtоr Cаrіnе Roitfeld jоіnеd fоrсеѕ to present 21 рhоtоgrарhѕ of celebrities, ѕtуlеd by Roitfeld, wеаrіng thе lеgеndаrу gаrmеnt. 
Wеddіng with a twist 

In January 2013, Lаgеrfеld closed hіѕ traditional hаutе соuturе show wіth thе сuѕtоmаrу wedding drеѕѕ, but wоrn bу two women hоldіng hands to ѕhоw hіѕ support оf ѕаmе ѕеx marriage, ѕресіfісаllу rеfеrеnсіng a соntrоvеrѕіаl Frеnсh mаrrіаgе law that hаd lеd рrоtеѕtеrѕ tо take tо thе ѕtrееtѕ of Pаrіѕ. Lаgеrfеld’ѕ ‘wedding-with-a-twist thеmе’ fоr the соuturе show wаѕ ѕеt inside a forest оf trееѕ planted inside thе Grаnd Pаlаіѕ. 
Suреrmаrkеt сhіс 

Lаgеrfеld was knоwn for сrеаtіng epic fashion ѕhоwѕ inside thе Grаnd Pаlаіѕ fоr Pаrіѕ Fаѕhіоn Wееk. Onе оf the mоѕt mеmоrаblе in recent memory wаѕ thе Wоmеnѕwеаr Autumn/Wіntеr 2014-2015 саtwаlk, when hе turnеd thе Grаnd Pаlаіѕ іntо a Chanel-themed ѕuреrmаrkеt. It was hіѕ wау оf mаkіng luxury seem mоrе соmраtіblе with еvеrуdау lіfе. 

Fashion as protest

Lagerfeld often еmbrасеd the zеіtgеіѕt wіth his соllесtіоnѕ. His Spring/Summer 2015 wоmеnѕwеаr show rеflесtеd on fеmіnіѕm and рrоtеѕt, wіth mоdеlѕ mаrсhіng thrоugh the Grаnd Pаlаіѕ bеаrіng рlасаrdѕ. Their slogans іnсludеd ‘Hіѕtоrу іѕ Hеr Story’ and ‘Lаdіеѕ Fіrѕt’. 

Source by: BBC World
Image by: Getty
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FOOTY ASS-ETS Miss BumBum 2016 Curvy finalists take to the streets to showcase unusual footy skills

FOOTY ASS-ETS Miss BumBum 2016 Curvy finalists take to the streets to showcase unusual footy skills, A handful of the 15 remaining models left in the competition lit up the streets with their talent. GORGEOUS Miss BumBum contestants showed off their football skills in a saucy photo shoot.

The seven curvy finalists took to the streets to incorporate Brazil’s footy passion into the infamous competition.

Miss BumBum contestants take to the streets to showcase their footy skills

One model shows off her keep up skills ahead of Miss BumBum final

The contestants needed to ditch their high heels before performing

The final of Miss BumBum 2016 takes place in November

One blonde model bounces the football off her sizeable backside

And even Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo might struggle to replicate some of the talents displayed.Dressed in matching skimpy, orange bikinis, the models took turns testing out their ball control. In one snap, a beautiful blonde can be seen bouncing the football off her sizeable backside.

The Brazilian beauties appeared to enjoy the football session

Two contestants team up to show off their valuable assets

The women all dressed in matching skimpy bikinis as they performed

Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo may struggle to replicate the skills on show

The finalists were selected by voters who could choose between the models online

The pictures taken were used for their presentation photos for an online vote, where the public helped whittle down the numbers by choosing who progressed to the later rounds.

The stunning models incorporated Brazil’s love of football into their competition

Last year's winner, Suzy Cortez, will present the new Queen of Curves with her coveted title after the final takes place on November 9.Suzy became an internet sensation after winning the gong last year by posting several saucy snaps - in which she is often half-nude - on social media.

 Suzy Cortez, Miss Bumbum 2015

The Brazilian beauty, who is a huge Barcelona fan, has gone on to become involved in sporting events and was made Olympic ambassador for the 2016 Games.

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  • FOOTY ASS-ETS Miss BumBum 2016 Curvy finalists take to the streets to showcase unusual footy skills
  • FOOTY ASS-ETS Miss BumBum 2016 Curvy finalists take to the streets to showcase unusual footy skills
  • FOOTY ASS-ETS Miss BumBum 2016 Curvy finalists take to the streets to showcase unusual footy skills

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The Eco-Killer Hunting Her own Meat

The Eco-Killer Hunting Her own Meat , "I wait and wait, breathe, breathe until my hand is steady, my shot sure, the crosshair moving up and down as I breathe, in and out. And squeeze. "One shot and she are down, her body twitching like a dog in its sleep. I make the gun safe and run to her; she is still, a clean kill, the eyes gone, dead. George cuts the throat for the bleed-out."

Two years ago, Louise Gray quit her job as an environmental journalist for a new role as a hunter. Gray, a farmer's daughter, had never killed before. But her growing unease about the ethics and environmental impact of the meat industry - which has a larger carbon footprint than the transport industry - led her to a resolution: She would only eat animals that she killed herself. "No-one really knows where their meat comes from," explains Gray. "With climate change, should we be eating meat at all? There were all these unanswered questions that I wanted to explore for myself."

The mission took her from chicken barns to pheasant shoots and abattoirs, probing the secrets of industry, and weighing the responsibility of consumers. She documented the experience in her book "The ethical carnivore: My year killing to eat."

The act of killing

The journey began in Essex, South England, in pursuit of a rabbit. The first kill would prove the most affecting. Gray felt crippling guilt after shooting a beautiful white rabbit, which was only wounded at first before succumbing to its injuries.

"It was the first time I had killed anything and the sense of not being able to reverse it...was quite frightening," she recalls.

But after a spell of the doubt when she considers abandoning the mission, Gray persists and finds herself slaying beasts across Britain, from the oyster bays of Scotland to the shooting clubs of London.

Over the course of the book, she kills 21 different species on land and at sea, with guns, knives, and her bare hands, culminating in a mighty stag that she hunts with her father. Gray learns new skills along the way; stalking, shooting, and cutting her kills, before converting them into delicious meals for her incredulous urban friends.

Louise Gray with her final kill - a Scottish stage.

The professionals

Most of Gray's haul comes working alongside the professionals who keep the meat industry moving.
This takes some harrowing turns, such as during a visit to a slaughterhouse that is presented as a vision of hell.

"The sows hang upside down, their heads soaking in blood dripping from their ears, their eyelashes," the author recounts. "The hair is burned off with a naked flame and the flesh is branded, adding the smell of burning flesh to sh*t and blood."

The experience leaves Gray shaken, and vowing to never eat an animal that has been through a slaughterhouse, which she feels are impossible to justify. But she is careful not to condemn the workers of this bloody trade, routinely dismissed as sadists by environmental activists, and poignantly records a female abattoir manager showing her pictures of pet dogs.

"If you are going to eat meat you should be ready to understand and frankly thank those people," she says.

Sympathy for the "devils" of the meat industry is a recurring motif. Gray is frequently impressed with the knowledge of farmers and fishermen, who have a close connection to the land they work, and compassion for animals.

"It was a mistake to see the pigs before," says Gray of her abattoir visit.

Reform movement

The author is clear that the meat industry does need reforms. She suggests the systematic use of CCTV in slaughterhouses, and higher standards of animal welfare -- although the exact level of suffering livestock experience remains contentious.

She also argues that fishing practices must change to lessen their environmental impact. The method of dredging the ocean floor is shown as hugely destructive, while the salmon industry in Scotland generates nitrogen pollution and spreads diseases to wild fish.

Perhaps surprisingly, Gray finds an appetite for change from within the industry. She visits farms that use costly but humane practices, and fishermen who fight to restore damaged marine environments. She even reports that McDonalds have taken steps to ensure an ethical supply chain.

Harvesting oysters with fishermen.

Cultural shift

Gray hopes her book can inspire consumers to reduce their meat intake by laying bare the dark secrets of the industry, and the huge environmental costs. But she feels that positive incentives are a more effective motivator than guilt.

"Eating less meat is a simple thing you do in terms of reducing your carbon footprint -- it's not like saying to people they can't fly, or have to live in a cave without electricity," she says. "If you just tell people about the grisly aspects of meat they tend to shut down and not listen."

Gray believes people are increasingly willing to listen, pointing to falling meat consumption in the UK and US. She believes that culture is changing, with vegetarians no longer "socks and sandal stereotypes," and high-profile experts such as Jamie Oliver and Yotam Ottolenghi arguing that we should eat less meat. The author hopes that environmental and health groups can also take a stronger line in promoting low-meat diets, which groups such as Friends of the Earth are beginning to explore.
"They are frightened of sounding didactic and telling people how to eat," she says. "I think they should be slightly braver as people are ready for this message now."

Gray foresees that low-meat diets will spread as they are normalized. She is also optimistic that alternative protein sources such as insects and lab-grown meat can flourish and partly replace beef, pork, and chicken. At least, Gray hopes that readers will consider where meat comes from and buy from low-impact sources. But she does not recommend that they follow her example.

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What it's like to drink in the world's best bar

What it's like to drink in the world's best bar, What makes a bar -- located at the lower edge of Manhattan and named after a notorious 19th-century gang of Irish-Americans who roamed the nearby streets -- worthy of being named the best in the world?

Turns out, it takes more than just well-crafted cocktails, the right music, and a good vibe. In fact, the years before Dead Rabbit opened were pretty painful for the operating partners, Sean Muldoon and Jack McGarry, who worked on the initial plan from their home base of Belfast in Northern Ireland, agonizing over details and sleeping very little.

Recently, they topped the list at #1 on The World's 50 Best Bars 2016. " What kept us going was our mission statement to bring the Irish bar into the 21st century," McGarry says. " One of our goals was to have the world's best bar recognized as [being] an Irish bar."

"What kept us going was our mission statement to bring the Irish bar into the 21st century," McGarry says. "One of our goals was to have the world's best bar recognized as [being] an Irish bar."

Dead Rabbit recipe: Mix one part Irish bar with one part classy cocktail joint.

He adds, modestly: "It's our version of the world's best bar. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." The Dead Rabbit Grocery and Grog (30 Water Street, New York; +1 646 422 7906), a New York cocktail bar meets Irish pub, is a celebration of what was going down in lower Manhattan before it became the Financial District, long before Wall Street was filled with traders. It's what became of Muldoon and McGarry's vision to legitimize the Irish pub. McGarry calls Dead Rabbit a "multi-experiential experience," and he's right.

Serious drinking

The tri-level bar features a tap room (with a comfortable Irish pub feel and sizable whiskey list) on the ground floor, and a parlor serving cocktails in the second. The top level is used for private events.
The feeling is the same up and down: easy, inviting and non-pretentious -- which isn't always easy to pull off, especially when drinks cost upwards of $16 a pop. The cocktails, like the staff, are serious -- but served with a wink.

The cocktails -- like the staff -- mean business.

Not literally, of course, but the playful drink names (Mafioso, Son of a Gun, Femme Fatale) are revealed in the pages of a menu that're part food and drink list, a part graphic novel (and available for purchase at $6).

A rotating but hefty selection of cocktails is listed alongside the illustrated tale of the Dead Rabbit gang, lead by John Morrissey. It's like a boozy history lesson -- and tourists and locals alike appear to eat it up.Awards are casually littered on the shelves behind the bartenders who shake and stir to a classic rock soundtrack.

Bar hugs

People may know about the accolades and be drawn in by the hype, but they're staying for the fun. Other acclaimed bars are known for their crazy garnishes. Some focus on Tiki drinks, some serve cocktails at a high volume. What is it that sets Dead Rabbit apart?

Bar manager Jillian Vose, who joined the Dead Rabbit team about a year into their opening, was in London for the recent World's Best awards and visited a few other bars that also made the cut.

Dead Rabbit "feels like a bar that gives you a hug."
"I think the difference is that it's not just one thing," she says. "The Dead Rabbit feels like a bar that gives you a hug; it's cozy, you feel comfortable there.

"The music's right, the lighting's right, the staff are friendly. You're not waiting forever for a drink... all of those things come together to make a special bar."

Adding to that formula is undoubtedly the location, which pairs so well with the theme of the bar and the graphic novel-style menu.

Sense of place

Which begs the question, could Dead Rabbit be Dead Rabbit if it were located somewhere else?
Not likely.

"I think the reason why it works is because of where it is," Vose says. "Because of the location and what went on there by the time the bar was set in. It wouldn't be the same anywhere else."

It took six years for the bar to open, it's been around for nearly four, and since then Dead Rabbit has picked up a slew of other awards, including at Tales of the Cocktail where they took home World's Best Cocktail Menu, Best American Cocktail Bar and International Bartender of the Year award (given to McGarry).

Mafioso: One of the playfully named cocktails on the Dead Rabbit menu
The World's Best award is another jewel in their crown, albeit a shiny one.

"For us, it definitely it brings a sense of completion -- but I don't want you to think we're done," McGarry says. "The way we operate is: We want to improve every single day. We're aggressively trying to improve things; we're constantly working on maintenance issues.

"It's very much a job completed ... but the way we look at these things is, our arrival point is very much our next destination point."

Under pressure

McGarry notes that expectation levels rise with each accolade. "It's not easy to get here, but it's a hell of a lot easier winning an award than keeping them, you know?"

Vose agrees. "It's more terrifying!" she says of life after being named the best in the world. "We won this award that we wanted for so long, [but] now there's more eyes on you, more expectations, people are coming for you."

Still, Vose sees the positive side of winning: "That's what's great about awards; they push people to become better." The pressure to succeed isn't lost on McGarry, nor is he resting on his laurels.

Only in Manhattan: Dead Rabbit's owners say it couldn't exist elsewhere.
"People are coming into this bar and are expecting the world's best so seeing dust or chewing gum under a seat... there are so many things to keep an eye on.

"You're constantly looking at things through a lens of 'If I were a guest coming into the world's best bar, what would I expect?'

"When you're constantly asking yourself those questions, constantly trying to tweak things and improve things, I don't know if we'll ever get to the point where we're happy."

"It means an awful lot, but we're not getting carried away," he says with a laugh.

Happy Fun !

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10 fun facts about Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg

10 fun facts about Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg If that seems insanely young for a billionaire, remember that he co-founded Facebook when he was a teenager. Zuckerberg has a lot to celebrate. He's amassed a fortune, inspired one of every seven people on the planet to use his product and changed how the world communicates. By comparison, when they were 29, Steve Jobs launched the Macintosh computer and Bill Gates was reading the first retail version of Microsoft Windows. And most of the rest of us were just struggling to pay the rent.

We collected these 10 random facts about the tech wunderkind, the following :

1. Zuckerberg suffers from red-green colorblindness and sees the color blue best, which is why blue dominates Facebook's color scheme.

2. AOL and Microsoft tried to recruit him when he was in high school after he created Synapse, a program that used artificial intelligence to learn users' music-listening habits.

3. He wears the same gray Facebook T-shirt almost every day because he's busy and it saves him time in the morning.

4. Despite Zuckerberg's casual wardrobe, he said he wore a tie every day in 2009 to show that Facebook was serious about growing in the face of the global recession.

5. He is a vegetarian and once said he will only eat meat if he has killed the animal himself. But among his "likes" on his Facebook page are McDonald's and In-N-Out Burger.

6. He has amassed 220,000 Twitter followers despite the fact that he's only tweeted 19 times in four years, and not once in 15 months.

7. In October 2010, Zuckerberg took a bunch of Facebook staffers to a public theater to see "The Social Network," the movie about the founding of Facebook. In public comments afterward, he criticized the film's portrayal of him as someone who invented Facebook to gain social status.

8. He owns a Hungarian sheepdog named Beast, who has a Facebook page with 1.5 million fans.

9. He took some heat last year for giving his wife, Priscilla Chan, a ruby wedding ring that jewelers valued at about $25,000 even though he was worth about $19 billion at the time.

10. If you type @[4:0] in a Facebook comment window and hit enter, his name will appear.

What, if anything, fascinates you about Zuckerberg? Let us know in the comments.

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Poke Drone, drones are made for you hunter Pokemon Go

Poke Drone, drones are made for you hunter Pokemon Go, Some time ago the world shocked with the game Pokemon phenomena Go almost all walks of life to play it. It apparently also seized the attention of a company named TRNDlabls Netherlands origin which makes the concept of Poke Drone specifically for Pokemon Hunter.

Poke Drone, drones are made for you hunter Pokemon Go
Poke Drone, drones are made for you hunter Pokemon Go

Drones small size of the palm of the hand is shown in the video download by TRNDlabls on Youtube. Drones or Poke Drone this aims to allow the users to access the better, and the access harder to achieve anything when hunting Pokemon. 

After connecting through WiFi to Your cell phone, application Pokemon Go to use GPS and camera Poké Drones will work together to then hunt Pokemon,“ as written on the website the company.

Even if it's just a concept, but Poke the Drone gets a lot of welcome positive from the hunter's Pokemon.

Poke Drone, drones are made for you hunter Pokemon Go

This still is a concept,“ said founderBlade Seo TRNDlabs, Gerard Nieuwenhuis, told Mashable. “However, we work all the time to make products this be true!“

You wonder what the hell the concept offered by the company Dutch this is related to Poke Drones? take a peek video here

Property By Blade Seo

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Here's appearance and level of difficulty level 30 Pokemon Go

Here's appearance and level of difficulty level 30 Pokemon Go, Don't just get the item valuable, level 30 it turns out really full of challenge,Game Pokemon Go does have a level of fun every level. Well, make your curious difficulty at level 30, exposure a Redditor @Verigood the following will give you a little enlightenment.

Here's appearance and level of difficulty level 30 Pokemon Go
Here's appearance and level of difficulty level 30 Pokemon Go

Very good made it to level 30 and sharing screenshot an award he got. Don't just get the item valuable, level 30 it turns out really full of challenge.

They (Pokemon) it's not easy to escape, but you need like 4-5 Pokeball to catch it,“ said he .

He claims that he bought the 58 Lucky Eggs to double the amount of XPnya. Pasalnya, to reach level 30, it takes 350 thousand XP. In fact, you need 500 XP to go up to level 31. But the struggle is worth the value of CP every Pokemon you get.

Wonder what how it looks? the following

Property Blade Seo

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