Joanna Giannoulias, a Woman Without a Womb and Genitals

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Joanna Giannoulias, a Woman Without a Womb and Genitals, Was born without having a womb and miss V, that's what's endured by Joanna, a beautiful woman was 27 years old the origin of the Greek. He was diagnosed to suffer syndrome Rokitansky, a condition of the body rare, where the reproductive systems of women can't thrive on normal, from the formation of the cervix until the top of Miss V. And until age one to 17 years, Joanna never did get my period at all like a girl in general. Complaints this actually was long kept a secret by Joanna since she was a teenager. 

Joanna Giannoulias, a Woman Without a Womb and Genitals

But she's embarrassed to reveal of the to his mother. Until this beautiful woman feels depressed, every time I make love with a man. They always humiliate Joanna, and he said he can't do piggyback. Because miss V owned by Joanna too narrow and don't have a hallway at all.

I really feel the depressed weight, it must feel like to kill myself, I was born as a woman that is abnormal. Especially, when all the ex-girlfriend goes, after knowing the condition of weird to Miss V I, "reveal Joanna. 

Lucky, there's a guy who really genuinely loved Joanna. He wants to marry and accept Joanna is what it is. With the patience, he always accompanies her to the medical doctor.
The only solution given by the Doctor is Joanna must perform an operation the making of Miss V is false, by making a hole so I can do intimacy with her husband.That is, of course, Joanna would probably get pregnant. 

The process of the making of Miss V is also not running smooth. The first time he was having a romance with her husband, Joanna felt the pain amazing the infinite. Until finally the Doctor do the surgery again, with measure the first canary. her husband, to get a perfect fit when inserted later. 

Property By Blade Seo
